Here's what's happening in the garden.
Thanks to all that helped with caring for the rhubarb
The compost has been turned by Brian. Thanks.
Wood chip mulch
The city forestry department will be delivering more wood chips later this week
Hillside and lawn
Another section of the hillside has been mowed.
We need volunteers to cut the lawn and continue to mow the hillside.
If you can help, please let Matt know.
New planting bed
The area above the terrace has been cleaned out and mulched with wood chip.
We plan to plant this area next spring.
Three Sisters Garden
Nina and Eddie have started a Three Sisters Garden.
This is a Native American method of growing corn, beans and squash.
This is a community plot that all members can help maintain and harvest.
StrawberriesStrawberries in the community plots are starting to ripen.
In addition to the raised bed (#43) there are three other areas that are community strawberries.
The first is on the hillside above plots 22 and 24.
The second area is plot # 34.
The last area is on the terrace between plots 49 and 50. By the way this area could use some cleanup by a volunteer.
Task ListLook for a garden task list on the bulletin board later this week.
We need volunteers to continue garden maintenance and to help with other projects.
That's all for this week.
See you in the garden.
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